Here is the grand opening for my monthly net worth update on this site on January 1st, 2009.
In future, the monthly net worth update will be posted at the end of every month.Anyways, here it is as of the first day of 2009,
Vehicles: $6500
Cash: $6,200
Savings: $11,100
Registered Investment Account: 18,400
Non-Registered Investment Account: $25,400
Total Assets: $67,600
Credit Card Debt: $2,300Total Debts: $2,300
Total Net Worth: $65300
Don’t worry, I pay off the balance of my credit cards every month.
If it's not because of the stock market downturn last year, the net worth could be much higher.
My net worth goal at the end of year 2009 is $90,000.