It makes sense that a home with a smoky smell or strong odour will be harder to sell as it will deter most buyers.
Landlords are permitted to include no smoking clauses in their leases. But they can only evict a tenant who smokes if they can prove the smoking has damaged the unit or is bothering the other tenants
The Non-Smoker’s
Rights Association published their own study demonstrating that the
average costs for a landlord to clean an apartment is two to three times
greater when it was occupied by a heavy smoker. They also quote
statistics from Canadian Fire Marshals demonstrating that cigarettes,
lighters and matches remain one of the top causes of residential fires.
Similar statistics are
found with resale cars where the prior owner was a heavy smoker and it
is difficult to remove the smell from the upholstery.
Buyers, be suspicious if you notice the fans going or electric air fresheners whenever visiting a home for the first time.
Sellers, don’t try to
cover up or hide odour issues that you know about. Get rid of any foul
odour before putting your home for sale, to maximize your return.